Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It was all the SAME day

Lesson: It is our choice to change. The situations we face in life are often daunting and we "kick against the pricks" because we don't want to change. We're right. They're wrong. It's powerful to take a step back and see if being right is as important as being at peace.

Ground Hog Day is one of our family's all time favorite movies. I hope you're all familiar with it.

Remember Phil's arrogant personality? Remember day after day (but it was all the same day) he tried to create different results by being the same Phil. No matter how many outward changes he made, Rita saw what he really was inside - a pompous egotistical man. And she didn't want anything to do with him.

Remember the night the old man died? That night was the night Phil found himself. But, remember, it was all the same day.

The town remained the same, day in and day out, each day he experienced it. He was the one who changed.

Our son has been making choices that cause us pain for almost 10 years now. Day after day, year after year we have worried and wondered, prayed and pled. And, in many ways, the days feel like same day, just over and over and over, just like in the movie. He hasn't changed. But we have. My husband is a living testament of unconditional love. I don't think I'm there yet. But, my prayer is to love my son like God loves him, to see him like He sees him. After living the same day for years, maybe I can change, too.

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