Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Final Score

Lesson: Heavenly Father knows the final score.

Many years ago this story was shared with me and it's message is more powerful now than when I first heard it:

A group of friends shared a love of football, particularly their favorite team. They gathered together at someone's home each week to eat, socialize, and to watch their team play. As luck would have it, one of the men had a business trip and would have to be flying home during the championship game. All of the friends graciously agreed to record the game, not watch a minute of it, and meet at his house later that evening so they could all experience it together.

The man landed, exited the plane, and rushed into the terminal so he could hurry home to his wife and anxious friends. As he was racing through the terminal, he inadvertently glanced up at one of the many television screens and happened to see the final score of the game. He immediately felt panicked because all of his friends had sworn to not watch the game until they could all see it together. Now he knew the final score.

As he entered the house, his wife knew there was something different about him. He wasn't acting like himself. They turned on the game, put out the food, and began watching the game. His wife couldn't help but watch him. While everyone was cheering or yelling at the game, her husband was different, somewhat reserved. She pulled him into the kitchen and asked, "What is wrong? You're not acting like yourself." He assured her he was fine and they went back into the other room to watch the game. As the game wore on, she knew something was up. She again pulled him into the kitchen and accused, "Are you having an affair? What is wrong with you?" He said she was being ridiculous, that, of course, he was not having an affair. "Well, what is it then?" And then, he couldn't keep it in any longer, he blurted "I saw the final score. In the airport. It was just on the screen as I walked by. There was nothing I could do." His wife thought for a minute and then taught him. "So, you know your team won? You know the outcome of the game? Well, how would you be different towards our children if you knew their outcome?"

We're in the middle of the game with our son. Heavenly Father knows the final score and He has given me impressions and feelings that the outcome will be favorable. I don't know what that score will be, but I know that God knows and it will be well. In the meantime, while waiting for the momentum in his game to switch, I try to enjoy where we are now with all the ups and downs of it, and focus on what may yet be.

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